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GAP Team

GAP is awarded!

MSCA GAP Project is one of the two Dipartimento di Meccanica - Politecnico di Milano projects winner of this year’s annual MSCA Doctoral Networks call.

The GAP project envisions novel pathways for addressing the fragility fracture crisis from a multi-scale perspective, including patient-specific preventive and advanced treatment solutions. Its challenging is to educate young and talented scientists towards a combined high-level experimental and numerical approach for the early-stage accurate and precise detection, and mini-invasive treatments of bone fractures, shedding light on bone micro-scale alterations due to pathologies. 

Prof. Laura vergani, project coordinator and expert of multi-scale fracture mechanics phenomena, together with her team including Federica Buccino, has shaped an excellent multi-disciplinary consortium of eight academic partners, two research centers, one clinical and one social institutions. 

These groups offer transversal competencies in multiple fields, such as mechanics (Trinity College Dublin, together with Politecnico di Milano), biomedical engineering (Eindhoven University of TechnologyDelft University of Technology), computer science (IMPAN, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), biological and biochemical science (EmpaCNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique). 

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